Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gonna be a Great day

Well, today was like any other day, always great. Started out with a wonderful night and turned into a fantastic morning. Now I'm spending time with my mom and her husband and tomorrow we are all going to our old church to fellowship with them. It's going to be good seeing my old members again since they merged with another church. Now, we are going to reunite and celebrate Christ. Like I said, it will be great seeing them but I'm going to miss my new church family. I know that my Pastor will have a great sermon to deliver. Just gonna have to catch it online.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Ya know, I may not get on here all the time to let you all know what's going on with me, but when I do, all I can say is that my day is always FAN-TABULOUS!!!!! I can't say anything bad about what goes on in the day. Sure I could complain and all that mess, but what would it prove? Only thing you will do is vent jsut to get it off your chest. I guess my thing is that I leave it all to God and let Him deal with it. That's the best thing to do. I would like to offer that encouragement to all that reads this. No matter what goes on in your life, just remember to leave it all to God and let Him deal with it. Life is too short to let the little stuff bother you. So everyone, enjoy your day like you never have before. I guarantee that you will not disappointed.

Friday, January 4, 2013


First of all, I would like to take the time out to say Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that everyone brought it in the way they wanted to. Last year was a pretty good year. Towards the end of it was good for me but this year will be better. One thing that I try to do is stay positive with all that I do and all that are in my life. Nothing will get me down and I will not let it. I plan on doing a lot more sharing this year with all that's in me and for the ones that read my blog, I hope that you enjoy my life and will continue to read what I post. As of right now, things are a little slow but hey, everything starts out that way. It's sall about patience to me and I know that I have a lot of it. Like the saying goes, "To the Victor goes the spoils" and I know that what I have planned for me will have me on top of the world. Just sit back and relax, pop some Jiffy Pop Popcorn, grab some Kool-Aid and enjoy my blog. Again, I say Happy New Year and please leave comments so i can respond. Until next blog, be good and stay safe.