Thursday, March 12, 2020


Hey all. Wow, it's been that long since I've done this? Man, well I tell you it's been a wild ride for me. I got a lot of things that I want to get off my chest but at this time, I am gonna hold back since it's late for me and I have to get ready for work. One thing I do want to let you all know is that the story that I will share with you is 100% true and it's all about what has transpired in the last 5 years. So I ask that you keep checking back with me in a couple of days when I have the time to put it down and I will let you all know what the deal is. Until next time.....I HOLLA!!!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Hey all. Just a little update on what's going on with me. At this point in time, my life is being blessed with much greatness and joy. For close to 4 yrs., I have been doing little medicore jobs to keep myself afloat. For about a month now, I have had a good steady job and within 2 weeks, I have gotten 3 raises!!!! God is truly looking out for a brotha. Also, I got a great woman standing by my side and she's been with me for 6 months now. She has made the transition from her home state to being here with me and we wound up getting a 4 (well, 3 if you wanna look at it another way) bedroom house. She also landed a job that's right next door to our house. Man, things have been looking up for both of us and it only continue to get better. Think that's about it for now. Just wanted to share some good news to all that reads this. Hope you enjoy it and I will be back another time. Until then....BE BREEZY!!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Starting a New Year

Well, it's the beginning of a new year and I gotta say, last year ended pretty well. Finally got a job and things are looking up. Also got a lady in my life that has been there for me through the rough parts as well as the good ones. Can't say anything else on that. Only thing that I can expect is to see how this year will turn out. I know one thing is for sure, I will still have my faith in God to the utmost. That will never change. As long as I keep my eyes on Him and give Him all the glory, there's nothing else that can go wrong. I know the Devil will try and slip me up and make me feel things that don't need to be, but I will not let him get his jollies off me. I'm gonna do the best I can this year so great things will happen to me. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hey all. Well it's been a minute since I been on here but it's been a rough road for me. Going thru a lot of things here but in the end, God has me in His ever-loving hands and won't let anything happen to me. Well, as of right now, I'm in Charleston, SC and gotta say that I'm enjoying myself. It's always good to get away from your home town for a while just to stretch your wings and breathe. Gonna be here for about another week and then it's back on the grind again. But just thought I would send out this little note just to let you know how I'm doing and what I'm doing. Until Next time, BE BREEZY!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's "Adventure"

Well it's been a while since I did a post/update on what's been going on with me. Been dealing with a lot of emotional ties and they have gotten to me kinda good. Had an incident that didn't set with me too well. Someone real close to me that I truly love was in a situation yesterday and needed my attention. I was not able to get to them and they addressed it earlier today. We got into a somewhat heated discussion and it didn't end too well. One thing I do know is that we definitely see things differently and with that said, we will never be on the same page. This doesn't mean that my love for this person is gone cause it will always be there. It just mean that there are certain things that we can/cannot do and agree to. I hope that one day we can come to an agreement and not see things so one-sided and not get into any more heated discussions. Only time will tell....

Until next time....BE BREEZY!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

My Family Reunion pt. 1

Hey all. It's been a while but now I'm back. Right now got some fun going on this weekend. Started celebrating with my family our reunion. This is something that we do every year and it's always a ton of fun. Got some video of us doing some line dancing and having a great time. So enjoy the pics and video and I will see you here tomorrow. BE BREEZY!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hey all. Yes it's been a while since I have posted anything on here but at this point in time, I had to take some time to myself and get me together. Now that I have some things in order, just thought I would give you all a heads up on what's going on. Not going to go into a lot of details but one thing you can rest assure is that everything is looking very promising to me. I have been dealing with the Government for a while now trying to get my benefits and compensation for me getting injured while in the military. Well the time came to where I had my first (yes, first) exam from the VA outpatient clinic. This is just a stepping stone for me in getting what I placed my body through while serving this country. Hopefully with the grace of God and belief in Him, I will get what I have been trying to get in the last 20+ years. All I ask is for you all to continue to pray for me and give me the confidence that when this is all over, I will be with no worries. Thanks for reading and I will get with you all in the near future.