Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's alright, it's ok. I"m a Cowboy fan anyway

Well, another season is in the books and my Dallas Cowboys did not make it. But you know what, that does not discourage me one bit. I'm still die hard and will continue to be. Yes it would have been nice to see them go all the way, but hey it is what it is. But regardless of the outcome, the main thing that is always good is that I was able to see them play one more game.
"Thank you Lord for blessing me on this day and every other day that you have planned for me. Although I may not do everything that you desire, please know that I am doing my best to make you proud of me and never frown. I love you Lord and my heart and soul belongs to you. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen."

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tonight's Dinner

Now I know it's been a while since I've done this and I'm truly sorry to leave you all hanging. Ok, here we go again. Tonight's dinner consist of a rotissire smoked turkey leg, mashed potatoes and steamed buttered broccoli. Yum Yum. You all can enjoy looking at it. I'm going to enjoy eating it, lol.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This is one of many times during the year that I really am not myself. It's been two years since I have been without my kids and it's killing me. I tried to call them today and it didn't turn out good. After I got off the phone, I had to sit there and just sulk in not hearing their voice. The only good thing about it is that at least they sent me a Christmas gift. Really brought tears to my eyes. I miss my babies sooo much. Can't wait till God sees fit to have them back in my life. All that reads this, please think about me in your prayers tonight and forever as I go through this terrible time.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today was a good day

I like that saying to say this. Today is the day that the Lord Jesus Christ gave birth to my mom. This is her with her husband.
She turned 61 today and she looks fan-tabulous!!! And on top of that, a couple in my church got married today and that was also special. Two special things took place today and I am happy to say that I am honored to a part of both of them. Thank you mom, Larry and Darlene for incorporating me into your day. I love you all!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Showing love to my church

I did this before and I'm going to do it again. I can't keep stressing on how much I love my church but I really do. So I'm going to give them another shout out with another sermon video. I hope you all like it and leave comments. This time I'm going to put an entire series on here instead of just one at a time. That way you will have the full effect of it.

Change We Can Believe In; Week 1 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Change We Can Believe In-Week 2 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Change We Can Believe In - Week 3 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Relevate Hunger Games

I do a lot for the teens at my church and we just started doing a long series of games related to the movie "The Hunger Games." One thing I can tell you is that the teens that come to the teen service are so great and willing to do anything for God, even make fools out of themselves. But it's all in good fun. Tonight, I had them do a human wheelbarrow race, Name that Tune, and an obstacle course on their knees. I really think they had a great time. But it's not about doing games and all that. It's about coming together and praising God and getting to know Him. That's the main thing out of it all. When God is in your life at an early age and you accept Him, there's no limit on where you can go or what you can do. I just want to extend a hug out to all the teens that come and worship. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My late turkey dinner

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you, With out a strong thought to step to Hehehheheehe. Thought you all would like that entry. I know, I know, you guys have missed my entries but I have been extremely busy and had to put a lot of things on hold. But now I'm back and ready to hit you off on something. Now I know a lot of people had a wonderful time with Thanksgiving and I did too. Didn't cook my turkey off but I decided to do that now. So here's a pic of my turkey and my plate. The turkey is glazed with a teriyaki sauce and it turned out SLAMMIN!!!! On the plate is a slice of the turkey along with the sweet potato casserole that I made, cabbage, pinto beans, and stuffing. Hope you all like the pics. I know I loved the results...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Shout out to my church

Change We Can Believe In; Week 1 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

I know it's been a while since I've done this, but here we go again. Another shout out to my beloved church. I love my church and I hope that you all look at this sermon.

What a day

Ya know, life is a trip. You do things that you don't even realize and it works to your advantage. That's a good thing. It makes you take a step back and think about your steps and what you have done. Today, I had a very good day and I can't complain about it. The only thing I can say is...... THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS WONDERFUL DAY THAT YOU LET ME SEE!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hey guys!!!! Yes it's been a while since I been on here. Just got back from an amazing vacation and here's the pics to prove it. Hope you like them. BE BREEZY!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shout out to my church: pt. 2

Hey all. Here I go again sending another shout out to my church. Man, I love these people and my pastor. Hope you like it.

Religion Bites - Week 2: But, Then, So from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Night of me Dj'ing

Watch live video from ICEMAN X'S CHILL STATION on Hope you like it


Religion Bites - Week 1: Religion Smreligion from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

If any of you readers has been reading my later posts, I put something on here about my church. So right now, here's a video of one of the sermon message series that was done. It's called Religion Bites "Religion Smreligion." Hope you all like it. I will post more later

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Tonight's dinner consist of pan seared cod with sweet potato mash and buttered broccoli. I'm getting a little adventurous so there may be another dessert in the future. All I can say is keep reading and keep a look out for it. Enjoy!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Gotta partner out in Oregon that is doing it real big so I told him that I would give him and his brother a shout out. They just opened up this cool lounge where you can come and test your gaming skills. It's called PixelBattles." So if any of my readers are in Portland, Oregon, stop through there and show them some love and try your luck at the tournaments they have going.


Ok people, here's dinner tonight. Made some beef stew with gravy and put that over some jasmine rice. Yum Yum!!! BE BREEZY!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Ok guys. Here's tonight's menu. Now even the "best" of cooks go through things and tonight is one of them. For the first time, I made dessert and yes, I burned it. But still it don't look that bad. Still gonna eat it, lol. Dinner was teriyaki stew beef with jasmine rice and butter corn. BE BREEZY!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Ok, here we go again. I like that I see people coming here to see what I made for dinner and I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging. So tonight, I did some fried chicken with some butter corn. Something real simple tonight. Really didn't feel like going all out but stay tuned, it will come again. BE BREEZY!!!


HEY ALL!!! It's been a long time since I been here, but I'm still kicking. Had a lot going on so had to take a break. Just wanted to share some videos that I did today. I do some Dj'ing at my church and here's the videos of them. Hope you all like it. BTW, the guy that's in the first video is my man DJ StormShock. He got skills!!!
Watch live video from ICEMAN X'S CHILL STATION on
Watch live video from ICEMAN X'S CHILL STATION on

Friday, August 3, 2012


 Ok, here's the main reason why I was not on here that much. This past weekend, I was with my other side of the family and we always do it real big dog style, ya heard? Anyway, it lasted the whole entire weekend and here are some pics to prove it. Enjoy and BE BREEZY!!!!