Saturday, July 21, 2012


How's everyone doing this evening/morning? Hope you have/had a great day and will continue to have one. This is what I had for dinner tonight. No people, no steak tonight. We have fried chicken without the skin, tossed in an egg batter that has season salt, onion powder, italian seasoning, salt, pepper and soy sauce. Then we have some broccoli ( I love some broccoli, lol) and next to that is sweet potatoes with sugar, butter and sprinkled with cinnamon. Have a great day and as always.....BE BREEZY!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Ok, I know it's kinda late, but hey, better late than never right? Tonight was flat iron steak (again, lol), blanched broccoli and sweet potatoes. I promise, tomorrow will not be steak. BE BREEZY!!!!!


Here's another post for my mom. She is starting a new side business that I truly love. I use this product in my house and it is amazing. Makes my house smell sooooo good. It's called "Scentsy". It's a unique style of candle that you don't light. All you do is plug it up, put a scented wax block in the dish and let it melt. That's it!!!! So if you wanna place an order or even have do a home presentation, hit her up on her at She would be happy to hear from you. Tell her that her son sent you, lol. BE BREEZY!!!!


Hey all. Just thought I would send out some info about my church. For about a month, we took a break from doing a service for the teens on Thursday called "Relevate". It gives teens from 6th-12th grade a place to hang out and have some fun and also get a "teaching" in their language. It's really powerful and I really enjoy myself there. If you wanna know more of what we do, visit to find out more. BE BREEZY!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hey all. Now I know you all think that all I can do is cook, lol. But I'm gonna show you a different side of me. If you are on the internet around 5p EST, stop by this site: I will be streaming live doing a little bit of DJ'ing for about 2 hrs. So come check me out tonight and as always......BE BREEZY!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Ok people. Had a long day today and just now getting around to eating. This is what was on the menu tonight. Don't know if you all have figured it out, but I'm a steak person and I can eat steak pretty much all day every day. so tonight, I have for you two pieces of flat iron steak that was seasoned with soy sauce, italian seasonings, garlic powder and season salt. Then on the side, I have some pasta salad. Hope you enjoy looking cause I enjoyed eating, lol. BE BREEZY!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hey guys!!!! Got great news for all the wrestling fans out there. It's in the process of development but when it's done, it's gonna be on like a steaming pile of neckbones. Got a new forum that's gonna be launched later on this week so please keep a look out for it by reading this blog and when it comes available, you will see it posted. NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT..........SUCKA!!!!!!!!!


Hey all. With all the competition out there to get to site just to sit back and enjoy what's on, we (my man hero and I) would like to invite you to a site that will cure all your taste buds. It's all about MUSIC BABY!!!! Come check it out on this link.... Hope to see you there and make sure you leave comments. Thanks and as always.....BE BREEZY!!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Ok, here we go with a late night dinner. Now I don't want no one to trip out just because you see an end piece but i guarantee that I'm not the only one that eats it, lol. Tonight's dinner is burgers, but not just any burger. These are Chicken Burgers. Also got some Sweet Potato home fries. The burgers are seasoned with anything that you wanna put on them and the fries are sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. You gotta try it, you will love it!!!!


Ya know, there are some times that I get into a little area in my mind that wants to write things down that I just feel that it has to be on paper. This is something that I wrote years ago and thought I would share it with you all. Let me know what you think of it:

I've walked down paths that I've traveled from afar
Suddenly I've felt you flying through my soul
You've given me feelings that could calm the most vigorous heart
Your love is one which I'll never let go
Like a wind, Let your love blow through my heart and soul
But, never let it blow away again
And into my heart this windy love forever flows
Flowing like a river with no end
Yes love me, and like the sun, set my heart afire
And then in the middle aisle our hearts of passion meet
For this, around you my love will build an empire

Please leave a comment to let me know what you think of it. Look forward in hearing from you

MITB Replay

Hey guys. If you all missed the Money In The Bank (MITB for short) Pay Per View, don't panic. You can come to the link that's posted on the side of this blog and watch it again or maybe for the first time. Whatever tickle your fancy, we would love to have you on the site. Leave comments and hope to see you there.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Hey guys!!! I know it's been a while since I been on here but had some things I had to take care of this weekend, but I'M BACK!!!!! Up here watch a pretty good Money In The Bank PPV on the Live TV link on my page. Even though it's almost over, you can still come there and catch all the great action. So if you are a wrestling head like me, come join in on the fun.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Here it is the wee hours of the morning and I am up doing this for a special person, MY MOMMY!!!! I don't know if you all remember the story of the mongoose named Riki Tiki Tavi, but my mom wrote the ongoing story of this magnificent creature. If you haven't read the original story, then you wouldn't understand this one. So I urge you to read the first one and then come back and get the new one. Here's what the cover looks like and here's her website also to where you can order it. Also as a special bonus prize, she will personally autograph each copy. How cool is that?!?!??! Thanks for reading and hope you get her book and there will be more to come in the near future.


Ok, dinner is really simple tonight. Don't really feel like doing something over the top. So tonight is.......(drum roll).......LEFTOVERS!!!!!!! Ok, here we go. Tonight is a bone in rib eye steak with a nice spring salad and the salad will have italian dressing on it. Was thinking of making a rib eye steak salad but my stomach said.......FEED ME NOW!!!!! Hey, gotta listen to the belly. BE BREEZY!!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Well, tonight was like last night. Nothing to fancy. Hope you like it. Tonight's dish consists of fried catfish and crappie fish, green beans, roasted corn on the cob and a piece of chicken. All this came from the family reunion on the 4th. Had froze  it so it will still be good. Enjoy and leave comment please. THANKS!!!!


Hey all. Ya know, I got so busy yesterday that I forgot to post up my meal. Here it is. A nice bone in rib eye steak with tater tots. Yeah, I kept it simple this time and please over look the plate. I mean, I'm a bachelor. Everything won't be on fine china, lol. Rib eye has garlic salt, garlic powder, onion powder, basil, oregano. Tater tots got some garlic powder and paprika on it. Like I said, simple. Enjoy cause I know I did, yum yum!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


There is nothing more satisfying to me than having a fantastic day at church. Having to spend the little bit of time getting the word of God in you cannot be a better feeling. If you all want to check out my church, go to to find out more about us. We even have our weekly services on there so you if you feel encouraged to check them out, you can do so on there. Hope you get the feeling to go and look at them.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Ya know, I may be showing my age on this but I don't care, lol. Just like that some other like me, I grew up on wrestling and probably could name a lot of them till this day. And since the day my dear departed G'ma had me watching the greats like Chief Wahoo McDaniels, The Original Four Horsemen, and Dusty Rhodes, I still watch it now. So here's a great site to catch up on all the past. It may not go back as far as I mentioned, but still, how many people can still raise some hell and kick their boss' ass and get away with it? So if you are ever in the mood to watch the "Attitude" Era of wrestling or any wrestling for that matter, go to this channel right here Live Tv HD: Wrestling TV. I do believe that you will love it. "And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold Says So!!!"


Now if you read my earlier blog, I gave a shout out to a real good friend, Hero. He and I are down like four flat tires on a Yugo baby, :). So here's the skinny, my man and I are working real hard to make it out there in the world of Technology and we would really love your support. The link is on the side under "Live TV". Come check it out. Pretty much has all your favorite channels and if it's not on there, leave a message for Hero and I'm sure he will have no problem putting it on. But of course, it will be within reasons of what you ask for, hehehehe.  BE BREEZY!!!!!

The people you meet

Ya know, some people wanna stay on the porch and watch the traffic go by and not get out there and play in it. If I was that way, then I would not have met my man HERO. He's a down to earth brother that will help you in a bind. So show him some love and visit the "HEROTV" website. Tell 'em NCBOY187 sent ya!!!! BE BREEZY!!!!

My Side Job

Hey all. I know that I briefly talked about it before and really never went into detailed about. Well here's the skinny. If you want to make some money on the side, AND IT BEING LEGAL, go to and sign up. Very easy work and you get good money for it. Take what you can handle in your area and watch the cheddar stack up. It's a great thing to do and you can actually turn it into you own business. Give it a try. Think you will like it

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Family Reunion

Man, I really love my family. We had sooo much fun and the food.....OMG!!!! Here's some pics to show you and even though you may not know him, I got a cousin that plays for the NFL and he was there. I love the fact that even though he's "big league", he still makes time for his family. Here's some pics of what went down, the food and a close up of me and my cuz. Enjoy!!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Dish

Ok, here you go people. This is my dish for tomorrow's family reunion. Made a ground turkey meatloaf seasoned with garlic powder, onion salt, season salt, oregano, italian seasonings, ketchup and eggs. Yes people, I said eggs. Oh yeah, got some soy sauce in it also. Hope the family likes it but if they don't, more for me to eat and enjoy. You all have a great 4th!!!!

My day so far

Hey all. Well just like to start out by saying that my day has been FANTASTIC and it will never end. Was up until 4 am talking to some of the most amazing people that I do consider to be my good friends, but had to get off cause 7a comes REAL early, lol. Anyway, it started out by me going to my church and doing a video sermon of my pastor that will be on vacation this coming week. But the day is not over. A little later on, I will be back on here with my dish for my family reunion. So come back later to take a peek at what will be one of many items that will be enjoyed by all of my family. No, I'm not cooking everything cause if I was, I wouldn't be on here talking to you right now, lol. So I hope you all come back to see my dish for tomorrow and please leave comments. Thanks!!!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tonight's Dinner

Hello people. Just thought I would post up what I had for dinner tonight and you are in for a treat, I GOT A PIC TOO!!!!! Tonight was steak, mashed sweet potatoes and blanched broccoli. Steak was marinated in Worchestershire sauce and got some Italian Seasoning, season salt, little bit of chili peppers and some good ole' soul food seasoning. Sweet potatoes got some butter, nutmeg, sugar, and cinnamon in that. The broccoli was just a simple scoop of butter melted in water and it stayed in long enough to still have the crunch to it. YUM YUM!!!!

Hero's Unite

I call myself one of the ones that grew up reading comic book and since they are almost being "extinct", I got to searching online for the cartoons that I grew up on. Found this amazing site that has it all. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, just to name a few. If you wanna know what I'm talking about, go to to check out what it has in store. Think you will love it

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Went to my family church today. Had a wonderful time. It's great to have a church welcome a family that's been going there for generations. This is like a tradition for us before our family reunion that we always have on the 4th of July. Got my menu ready on what I'm gonna cook but I will post that another time