Sunday, March 10, 2013

Relevate Teens are the best!!!

Well, just to let you all know, my day started out not that good. Wound up oversleeping and had my ride wait on me for about 10 mins. But the day was not bad at all. Awesome day at church but what was more awesome was the teens of Relevate. For a while, we have been playing something of a spin off of the movie "The Hunger Games" and even though I have "tested" these kids with the games that has been played, nothing compared to tonight. We had 4 individuals step up and submersed their arms up to their elbow in ice water for 15 mins. and then after that, two guys stepped up and showed there "beastality" by putting their entire head in the ice water for 20 sec. How cool is that? And to top it all off, the word was given and it went all thru tonight. I really hope that these teens take charge of their lives and give an impact to other teens that are around them. This world will be theirs and what they learn now will help them in the future. I'm always praying for you guys just like the others are. You are the future. Make it the best one yet!!!!

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