Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hey all. Well it's been a minute since I been on here but it's been a rough road for me. Going thru a lot of things here but in the end, God has me in His ever-loving hands and won't let anything happen to me. Well, as of right now, I'm in Charleston, SC and gotta say that I'm enjoying myself. It's always good to get away from your home town for a while just to stretch your wings and breathe. Gonna be here for about another week and then it's back on the grind again. But just thought I would send out this little note just to let you know how I'm doing and what I'm doing. Until Next time, BE BREEZY!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's "Adventure"

Well it's been a while since I did a post/update on what's been going on with me. Been dealing with a lot of emotional ties and they have gotten to me kinda good. Had an incident that didn't set with me too well. Someone real close to me that I truly love was in a situation yesterday and needed my attention. I was not able to get to them and they addressed it earlier today. We got into a somewhat heated discussion and it didn't end too well. One thing I do know is that we definitely see things differently and with that said, we will never be on the same page. This doesn't mean that my love for this person is gone cause it will always be there. It just mean that there are certain things that we can/cannot do and agree to. I hope that one day we can come to an agreement and not see things so one-sided and not get into any more heated discussions. Only time will tell....

Until next time....BE BREEZY!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

My Family Reunion pt. 1

Hey all. It's been a while but now I'm back. Right now got some fun going on this weekend. Started celebrating with my family our reunion. This is something that we do every year and it's always a ton of fun. Got some video of us doing some line dancing and having a great time. So enjoy the pics and video and I will see you here tomorrow. BE BREEZY!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hey all. Yes it's been a while since I have posted anything on here but at this point in time, I had to take some time to myself and get me together. Now that I have some things in order, just thought I would give you all a heads up on what's going on. Not going to go into a lot of details but one thing you can rest assure is that everything is looking very promising to me. I have been dealing with the Government for a while now trying to get my benefits and compensation for me getting injured while in the military. Well the time came to where I had my first (yes, first) exam from the VA outpatient clinic. This is just a stepping stone for me in getting what I placed my body through while serving this country. Hopefully with the grace of God and belief in Him, I will get what I have been trying to get in the last 20+ years. All I ask is for you all to continue to pray for me and give me the confidence that when this is all over, I will be with no worries. Thanks for reading and I will get with you all in the near future.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What's Under your Chuppah Q&A

What's Under Your Chuppah Week 4 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

What's under your Chuppah?

Chuppah Week 4 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Voices in the Back of your Head

Voice in the back of your Head from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Voices in the Back of your Head

Hey all. I know it's been a minute since I been on here but I'm back now. If you have followed my blogs, you may have seen a lot of shout outs to my church and I have also put on here some of the sermons that my pastor has done. This time is no different. Gonna put up a series of sermons that I think you may like. The first two are called "Voices In the Back of My Head" and the others are called "What's Under You Chuppah?" And if you want to know how to pronounce that word, it's sounds like this...."Hoopa". Hope you like what I got coming and stay tuned for more to come.

The Voice in the Back of My Head - Week 1 from Renaissance Road on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Relevate Teens are the best!!!

Well, just to let you all know, my day started out not that good. Wound up oversleeping and had my ride wait on me for about 10 mins. But the day was not bad at all. Awesome day at church but what was more awesome was the teens of Relevate. For a while, we have been playing something of a spin off of the movie "The Hunger Games" and even though I have "tested" these kids with the games that has been played, nothing compared to tonight. We had 4 individuals step up and submersed their arms up to their elbow in ice water for 15 mins. and then after that, two guys stepped up and showed there "beastality" by putting their entire head in the ice water for 20 sec. How cool is that? And to top it all off, the word was given and it went all thru tonight. I really hope that these teens take charge of their lives and give an impact to other teens that are around them. This world will be theirs and what they learn now will help them in the future. I'm always praying for you guys just like the others are. You are the future. Make it the best one yet!!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day of Mourning

Well, I'm back from my vacation but really can't say that it was the best one I have had. While there, I wound up getting some disturbing news about a family memnber passing away. It saddens me cause I felt that I was kinda wrong in enjoying myself while my members of my family was greiving. Don't know if that sounds weird to you or not, but it is what it is. On the way back, I was in my own world thinking about how families can only get together on sad events but not happy ones. Grant it, it was great to see family that I haven't seen in years but man, not like this. So right now, I'm not in the best of moods cause of this cause I really wanted to spend more time with my family but hopefully come the reunion, they will come back. I'm going to bed now. Have a great night everyone.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Vacation Pt. 4

Well, this day was different from others. Can't say it was bad or good but one thing I can say is that I'm glad it's over. Had a little situation that tried to get out of hand but all I can say is it is what it is, right? Being here did give me a break from what was going on but I will say this, I will be so happy to get back in my own bed and get under my "Blues" (it's a set of sheets that I got from my mom for Christmas and I love them. Thanks Mom, :*). Get with you on the rebound when I get home. So in other words.....BE BREEZY!!!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Vacation day 3

Hey all. Well today was kinda laid back and all. Really didn't do too much. Went down to the beach today but really didn't stay all that long. Wind was kicking up BIG TIME and you know how it is when it's coming off the water. So you know me, I didn't stay out there long. Came back in the hotel and just took a chill pill until dinner. Went to this restaurant called "The Giant Crab" and being from the Chesapeake Bay area, I was loving the crablegs. One thing that I really didn't know was that the whole place was a buffet. Can you believe that? You can go to a chinese buffet and they will charge you extra if you want crablegs. I tell ya, what I had, you can't beat it for $24.00. I know I went back about 5 times. Hey!!! I wanted my money's worth and I got it, lol. Well i know what tomorrow will have for me. That's gonna be a day for me to get packed up and ready for travel back on Monday. Don't like to wait till the last minute to do things like that. But don't worry, I will update you. Until then.....BE BREEZY!!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Vacation pt. 2

Well, to start out my day, it was nothing to be happy about. First thing that I received this morning was some upsettng news about my family member. Found out that one of my cousin passed this morning. It kinda put me in a little bit of a somber mood because it is/was a family member and I would think that anyone else would feel the same way. After all that, wound up taking a walk along the boardwalk and taking some pics around the area. Gotta say that I am pretty much impressed at Myrtle Beach, being that this is my first time here. So the first part of the day was pretty much just a relax day. Just got in from doing some bowling and I totally bombed on it. I would consider myself to be an average bowler but the place I went to was crap. It looked like a club was there in the first place and they took it out and made it a bowling alley. First game was under 100 and the second game was under 120. Guess you would have to consider the fact that it was in another hotel on the strip. Oh well, those are the breaks. Can't wait to be in a REAL bowling alley, lol. Check with you all on the flip side. BE BREEZZY!!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

On Vacation!!!

Well here's something that I have not done in a long time. I'M ON VACATION!!!! Yes, I said it, lol. Man it feels so good to do this and I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can. Neem here one day and I have enjoyed the swim in the pool, taking a trip on an innertube in a lazy river, and then finishing it off relaxing in the jaquzzi. Man, it don't get any beter than this. When I get back from vacation, I will post pics but as of right now, you just gonna have to wait until later. Think I'm going back to the jaquzzi. BE BREEZY!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Relevate Kids are the Greatest!!!

Hey everyone. Just wanna send a little shout out to my church again, especially the teens of Renaissance Road Church. I am with them every Sunday night for Teen Service that we call "Relevate" and they are just a outstanding bunch of kids. It does my heart good to see that these teens have a deep interest in God like no other. They worship with the best of them and sometimes even better. When I am able to get some kind of pictures, I will surely post them on here just to show you how awesome these guys are. Once again, Relevate Teens are AWESOME!!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Giving Props to My Cousin

Now for the ones that read my blogs, I have put some meals on here that I have done. Now it's time to switch it up. My cousin was getting ready to cook some bacon and eggs and asked if I wanted some. I said to him to cook the porkchops that was downstairs thawed out. Now he really was a little hesitant cause he's not been in the kitchen to do something like that, but with the right guidance, he was able to pull it off. And I have to tell you that this has a better flavor than I have done. Much love to you cousin and keep doing you man. Here's a pic of what he did......

Monday, February 4, 2013


Well, another football season is in the books and gotta send out congratulations to the Baltimore Ravens on winning. Although I am a die hard Cowboys fan, my whole thoughts and heart was on San Fran to win it (staying true to the NFC, lol), all in all I just wanted a good game. The main thing about it all is that I was able to spend it with some amazing people. I'm talking about my church family from R2. Started out with an amazing service at church and ended it with "partying" at my pastor's house. You all are amazing and I am totally grateful to be a part of your life/family. YOU ALL ROCK!!!! The company and fellowship we shared will always be remembered in my heart. Can't wait till next week when the fantastic word of God is shared to all to enjoy. I love you guys at Renaissance Road Church!!!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Well, as most of you all know, the last game of the football season is here and just putting out there what I plan on doing. First and foremost, I'm going to have a fantastic time at my church and then after that, I have been invited to my pastor's house to watch the game with the San Francisco 49er's and the Baltimore Ravens. I really don't have a favorite in this game but with me liking the Dallas Cowboys and they are in the NFC (National Football Conference), I guess I will root for the 49er's. But in turn, I would also like to see Ray Lewis get one more ring before he retires. All in all, I just want to see a very good game. My last question is this. How are the coaches for each team gonna be towards each other when it's over? If you are wondering what I'm talking about, the coaches from each team are brothers, Jim and John Harbaugh. We will just have to wait and see. Hope you all enjoy your SuperBowl Sunday and don't forget to watch all the new commercials that will be airing. They should be good.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gonna be a Great day

Well, today was like any other day, always great. Started out with a wonderful night and turned into a fantastic morning. Now I'm spending time with my mom and her husband and tomorrow we are all going to our old church to fellowship with them. It's going to be good seeing my old members again since they merged with another church. Now, we are going to reunite and celebrate Christ. Like I said, it will be great seeing them but I'm going to miss my new church family. I know that my Pastor will have a great sermon to deliver. Just gonna have to catch it online.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Ya know, I may not get on here all the time to let you all know what's going on with me, but when I do, all I can say is that my day is always FAN-TABULOUS!!!!! I can't say anything bad about what goes on in the day. Sure I could complain and all that mess, but what would it prove? Only thing you will do is vent jsut to get it off your chest. I guess my thing is that I leave it all to God and let Him deal with it. That's the best thing to do. I would like to offer that encouragement to all that reads this. No matter what goes on in your life, just remember to leave it all to God and let Him deal with it. Life is too short to let the little stuff bother you. So everyone, enjoy your day like you never have before. I guarantee that you will not disappointed.

Friday, January 4, 2013


First of all, I would like to take the time out to say Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that everyone brought it in the way they wanted to. Last year was a pretty good year. Towards the end of it was good for me but this year will be better. One thing that I try to do is stay positive with all that I do and all that are in my life. Nothing will get me down and I will not let it. I plan on doing a lot more sharing this year with all that's in me and for the ones that read my blog, I hope that you enjoy my life and will continue to read what I post. As of right now, things are a little slow but hey, everything starts out that way. It's sall about patience to me and I know that I have a lot of it. Like the saying goes, "To the Victor goes the spoils" and I know that what I have planned for me will have me on top of the world. Just sit back and relax, pop some Jiffy Pop Popcorn, grab some Kool-Aid and enjoy my blog. Again, I say Happy New Year and please leave comments so i can respond. Until next blog, be good and stay safe.